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A Sensory Exploration of Herbal Teas
3:00 PM15:00

A Sensory Exploration of Herbal Teas

  • 9779 Allison Road Cedar Grove, NC, 27231 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Discover the innate wisdom of herbs through this unique, blind herbal tea-tasting experience. Often in herbalism we can become reliant on information learned only from books, websites, or other content and forget to listen to the plants themselves. In this class, we will sample 3-4 diverse herbs in the form of tea, leaving behind preconceived notions to focus on the unique somatic sensations, tastes, smells, and colors associated with our plant allies.

Join us in connecting with and shifting our learning back to the plants as our primary teachers.

Sliding Scale Price $25-$35


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